Neetz World
April 30, 2023

Alphabets in German

Posted on April 30, 2023  •  2 minutes  • 395 words

Learning Alphabet is the building block of language. The German Language is no different, it is just the pronunciation of alphabets and a few new alphabets are more than English.

In this blog, I will include the alphabet, the pronunciation of each, and examples as well.


There are 26 alphabets in English but in German there are 30 alphabets. Let’s see the basic 26 alphabets first with examples in German and English:

A a aa Apfel Apple
B b be Banane Banana
C c tse Computer Computer
D d de Deutsch German
E e ae England England
F f ef Frankreich France
G g ge Gitarre Guitar
H h ha Hund Dog
I i i Indien Indian
J j jot Joghurt Curd
K k ka Kinder Children
L l el Lampe Lamp
M m em Mann Man
N n en Nase Nose
O o o Oma Grandmother
P p pe Polizei Police
Q q ku Quadrat Square
R r er Russland Russia
S s es Sonne Sun
T t te Tomate Tomato
U u u Uhr Hour
V v vau Vogel Bird
W w we Wasser Water
X x iks Taxi Taxi
Y y ypsilon Yacht Yacht
Z z tsett Zebra Zebra

Extra Alphabets from German:

The remaining 4 alphabets are:


.. is called der Umlaut. Used with ä, ö, ü .

Ä ä ae Ägypten Egypt
Ö ö oe Österreich Austria
Ü ü ue Tür Door
ß ts Straße Street

Questions and Answers:



Great !! You know now, how to pronounce each alphabet and it is very important to practice. Practice makes things perfect. See you until next blog !! 😃

Thank you so much for reading it completely, you are on the right path already. 🚀

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