Neetz World
May 1, 2023

Colors in German

Posted on May 1, 2023  •  3 minutes  • 592 words

Colors are beautiful. Farbe is german word for color. When you wanna learn them in German Language, it sometimes get confusing to understand. So, I tried to make the learning as simple as possible with my cute little drawing 😁. I have added a lot of examples for each and added information about different shades and rules for using them with objects.


Let’s see how all the basic colors are called in German with examples which I have drawn 👩🏻‍🎨.

Rot -> Red roter Apfel red Apple
Grün -> Green grünes Blatt green Leaf
Blau -> Blue blaues Wasser blue Water
Braun -> Brown brauner Kuchen brown Cake
Gelb -> Yellow gelbe Sonnenblume yellow Sunflower
Weiss -> White weiße Lilie white Lily
Orange -> Orange orange Orange orange Orange
Grau -> Grey grauer Vogel grey Bird
Lila -> Purple lila Lotos purple Lotus
Schwarz -> Black schwarze Hose black Pant
Rosa -> Pink pinke Rose pink Rose

Color Shades:

When you add adjective like dunkel that is dark or hell that is light to any color, you will get a different color. Simple!!😃

Let’s see some more examples for Colors in sentences:

Rules for using colors as adjective:

In the below given examples, you can understand how the adjective (color) changes as per the article of the object. These 4 objects with different articles are used in the example.

Rules with direct articles(die, der, das):

The table below shows you the declination of the adjectives(colors) for the direct article in each case. The table below is used only for the direct articles (der, die, das). Words used:

Masculine Feminine Neutral Plural
Nominativ Der rot-e Tisch Die rot-e Katze Das rot-e Haus Die rot-en Äpfel
Akkusativ Den rot-en Tisch Die rot-e Katze Das rot-e Haus Die rot-en Äpfel
Genetiv Des rot-en Tisches Der rot-en Katze Des rot-en Hauses Der rot-en Äpfel
Dativ Dem rot-en Tisch Der rot-en Katze Dem rot-en Haus Den rot-en Äpfeln

Rules with indirect articles(ein, eine):

For indirect articles (ein, eine), as well as for Possessive articles (mein, dein, sein) and the negation articles (kein, keine), the declinations look different.

Masculine Feminine Neutral Plural
Nominativ Ein rot-er Tisch Eine rot-e Katze Ein rot-es Haus rot-en Äpfel
Akkusativ Einen rot-en Tisch Eine rot-e Katze Ein rot-es Haus rot-e Äpfel
Genetiv Eines rot-en Tisches Einer rot-en Katze Eines rot-en Hauses rot-er Äpfel
Dativ Einem rot-en Tisch Einer rot-en Katze Einem rot-en Haus rot-en Äpfeln

These rules can look complicated but go with simple ones first, then move to variety.

My secret 😉 is to go simple first, master it then move to complex.

There are many more words here, but remember you need to focus of colors first. 😃 Hope you learned something new and it was informative.

Happy Learning!!!

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