Neetz World
September 5, 2023

Lean Startup Way

Posted on September 5, 2023  •  5 minutes  • 975 words

My learnings from Lean Startup Bootcamp:

I heard about the Lean Startup concept a few times since I have been on this new journey of entrepreneurship. Today was the day when I had my first session as the part of this journey which was on Lean Startup. It was interesting to see how the things are when you just read them and actually implement them on your idea with team. It was an interesting session where I learned about Lean Startup Methods and Principles, Why most Startups fails?, What to focus on initially when starting with a startup idea? and Lean Canvas.

Why most Startups fails ?

Some of the reasons which people came up while the session were:

These are some of the well know issues which we hear a lot in the startup stories. Earlier you know better it would be.

Type of Failures for a Startup?

As per the coach today, there are 3 types of failures, which was a interesting take on failures:

  1. Good Failure: External reasons
  1. Bad Failure: Internal reasons
  1. Ugly failure: Mental & Health impacts

“FVD Framework” or “Triple Constraint”:

It was interesting to see this concept of FVD where all are individual concepts but are so much relevant to each other. Feasibility, viability, and desirability are three key aspects often considered in the context of product development, innovation, and business planning.These three elements help evaluate and shape the success potential of new ideas, products, or ventures:

Achieving alignment among these three aspects is crucial for the success of a product or business venture. If one of these aspects is lacking, it can significantly increase the risk of failure. Therefore, entrepreneurs and product developers often use the FVD Framework as a guide to make informed decisions and prioritize their efforts.

3 most important Principles of Lean Startup:

  1. Simplicity: Sell -> Build -> Find Resource.
  1. Mapping and Modeling: Map and understand every assumption you have and make sure you have it well thought.

  2. Feedback gathering and coachability: Ask -> Give -> Receive

Method to start:

Donot know anything –> Secondary Research –> Updates, more questions & clarifications –> Primary Research –> Updates & questions –> Tests –> Updates –> Know enough to Act.

Secondary Research: This includes reading articles, posts, google search, reading papers, etc.
Primary Research: This includes more of talking to people in that area, interviewing people and understanding the needs.

Lean Startup Canvas:

The Lean Startup Canvas is a strategic tool used by entrepreneurs and startups to plan and manage their businesses more effectively. It’s a simplified version of the traditional business plan that focuses on key elements of a startup’s business model. The Lean Startup Canvas typically includes the following sections:

Great learning for the day. I will be sharing more of my knowledge and learning with you all. For the people who want to start the same journey are more than welcome to follow the page and post I will write on this topic starting from today.

Thanks for reading. 😃 Hope you learned something.

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