Neetz World

About Me

Posted on February 5, 2023  •  1 minutes  • 210 words

Hello Everyone!!

I am Neeta. My friends call me Tani. I love having fun and learning new things. I am professionally a Software Engineer who is super passionate about the Testing World and has fun breaking applications. 😈

My colleagues describe me as a well-organized and detail-oriented person professionally. My friends say that I am fun to be around. πŸ˜€

I believe that life is limited, so Try New Things and Do What You Like The Most!

I live in Germany, so I am learning German Language. You will find a lot of German Language Blogs as well as Tech Blogs on my website for now.

I am on the new path of Entrepreneurship, so I will be sharing my learning here as posts. Hope that would be helpful to the people who are looking forward to some content around this.

Apart from Testing and Automation, I like Singing, Drawing, Cooking, and more. I am always trying new hobbies. The most recent one is Knitting 🧢. Let’s see what will be next.

Hopefully, you had fun knowing me and will enjoy my Blogs too.

Have Fun!


You can follow me, if you have similar interests:

Redbubble Design Products

Cartoon Sketches Youtube Channel

Singing Youtube Channel

Photopgraphy and Art

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To have some coding fun and learning new things!